

  • 4
    • 12.212006 Labor and Management Relations Best Award
      (Department of Labor)
    • 12.14Presented with the Ministry of Information and Communication Award at the First Korean Internet Awards
      (Ministry of Information and Communication)
    • 12.13The 11th SME Financial Support Award Bronze Industrial Medal, Presidents Honoring, Minister of Finance and Economy Award
      (Small to Medium Business Administration)
    • 12.122006 Korea Communication Reward, Korean Reporter’s Association Chairman’s Award
      (Korea Sabo Association)
    • 12.12The 2nd Korea CEO Grand-Prix Award
      (Korea CEO Research Forum)
    • 12.082006 MBN Advertisement Reward, financial section Gold Award (Enterprise PR)
      (Korea Economy Daily TV)
    • 11.28'Apartment Power Loan III', designated as 2H Hit Product
      (Herald Economy)
    • 11.242006 Best Award for Money Today Advertisement Reward in Banking section
      (Money Today)
    • 11.242006 Best Award for Kyunghyang Newspaper Advertisement Reward in banking Sector
      (Kyunghyang Newspaper)
    • 11.242006 Best Award for Saegae Newspaper Advertisement Reward in finance/banking sector
      (Saegae Newspaper)
    • 11.222006 Best Award for Seoul Newspaper Advertisement Reward in banking sector
      (Seoul Newspaper)
    • 11.222006 Best Award in Credit Reward
      (Credit Recovery Committee, Munhwa Newspaper)
    • 11.172006 Best Award for Asia Economy Advertisement Reward in banking sector
      (Asia Economy)
    • 11.152007 Korea Customer Satisfaction Management Reward, Service Quality Grade Certification
      (Korea Management Association)
    • 11.142006 Korea Customer Satisfaction Management Reward, Best CEO Award
      (Korea Management Association)
    • 11.142006 Korea Customer Satisfaction Management Reward, Customer Value Innovation Award
      (Korea Management Association)
    • 11.092006 Social Contribution Enterprise Award
      (Korea Economy Newspaper)
    • 11.07Best Award for 2006 Financial News Advertisement Reward in banking sector
      (Financial News)
    • 10.312006 Korea Herald Advertisement Reward, award in banking sector
      (Korea Herald)
    • 10.312006 Best Award for Seoul Economy Newspaper Advertisement Reward in banking sector
      (Seoul Economy Newspaper)
    • 10.30Best Award in 'Highest Brand Reward'
      (Joongang Newspaper)
    • 10.27Best Award for 6th Women’s Best Enterprise
      (Woman Times)
    • 10.272006 Red Cross Service Award
      (Korea Red Cross)
    • 10.23Minister of Finance and Economy Award for The First Kyunghyang Finance Education Reward
      (Kyunghyang Newspapers)
  • 3
    • 09.27Head of Seoul District Labor Office Award for Excellent Labor and Management Culture Enterprise
      (Department of Labor)
    • 08.302006 Korea Employment Brand Award
    • 07.20Won Win-CMS The 6th Korea e-Finance Award
      (Korea Economy Newspaper)
  • 2
    • 06.28Designated as 2006 Excellent Management Structure Enterprise
      (Enterprise Management Structure Center)
    • 06.27Woori Bank "e-Triple V Fund" designation as 2006 1H IT Hit Product
      (Digital Times)
    • 06.20The Best Award, The Best CEO Award for 2006 Korea Service Reward
      (Korea Standard Association)
    • 05.26The 8th Women Consumers Selected Best Brand Award
      (Woman’s Newspaper Co., Ltd)
  • 1
    • 02.282006 The Best Award for Respected Enterprise, Entrepreneur Reward in Enterprise section
      (National Entrepreneurs Association, Seoul Economics Newspaper)
    • 02.22Korea Economy Daily Newspaper President’s Award in Korea Fund Reward in Marketing Section
      (Korea Economy Daily Newspaper)
    • 01.04Minister of Finance and Economy Award for Dasan Finance Reward
      (Korea Economy Newspaper)

Foreign Exchange Rate

2024/07/03 14:34:33
통화 환율 정보
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USD 1,415.64 1,366.96
JPY 875.20 845.10
EUR 1,523.55 1,464.69

Woori Call Center

  • 1599-2288 (Dedicated Foreigner Call Center) -> 1(English), 2(Chinese), 3(Vietnamese), 4(Uzbek), 5(Russia), 6(Tai), 7(Mongolian), 8(Japanese), 9(Cambodian, Indonesian, Tagalog)
  • 1588-5000, 1599-5000 (Domestic)
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